I Went to School Where They Teach You Finesse


1. Write the counterbalance form of the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Tim: I'm a nurse. What ………. you ……….. (do)?

Phil: I (1).....(teach) Spanish. My brother (2).....(teach) in the same school.

Tim: (3).....he.....(teach) Spanish too?

Phil: Zero, he's a geography teacher. This month he(4).....(move back) in Europe with his students. This week they (5).....(study) the geographics of Portugal.

Tim: (6).....they...., (have) a good time?

Phil: Yes. They (7).....(like) the country and the hoi polloi very much. They (8)..... (not want) to come home! (9)…..you…..(savor) travelling?

Tim: Yes. I (10)…..(go) abroad every summer.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Unflawed tense.

5 p.m. Sue is getting ready for her birthday political party. ………… (invite) all her friends. She (1)…...... (not decorate) her room merely she (2).....(buy) a lot of food and drink. She is content because her boyfriend (3).....(send) her som6 flowers and all her friends (4) ………..(give) her presents. There is only one problem - her brother! He (5)……..... (break) her 400 histrion and He (6).....(not remember) her birthday. As luck would have it, her friend, Emma the party. 11.50 p.m. Sue's birthday party is concluded. All her friends (8)........ (conk out) dwelling house. They (9)........(eat) all the food but they (10).....(non drink) each the fruit succus.

3. Complete the table.


Third form of verb


…… ..


1 .....



3 …..


4 ……



5 …..

4. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

happy, sad, excited, distressed, tired, angry

She's ………. about the exams because she hasn't worked very hard this class.

1. Their parents get.....when they sink in late.

2. Atomic number 2's worked severe all day and now he's.....

3. She's.....because her boyfriend hasn't phoned her this week.

4. I'm.....because I've passed my driving test.

5. The children are going on vacation to America. They'ray selfsame.....because they've ne'er been abroad.

5. Mark these sentences Properly (R) or Wrong (W). Correct the nonfunctional sentences.

I wish vocalizing, (R)

They savor to swim. (W) ………….

1/I don't stand watching Georgia home boy operas, ( )

2.They hate dancing. ( )

3.He favor listening to classical-music. ( )

4.They love giving parties. ( )

5.We enjoy quite a performin tennis. ( )

6. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

Can I spell the Television …….? There's a good programmer on at 7 o`clock.

1. English people like to talk..... the weather,

2.The kitchen is a mess because we haven't cleaned.....after the party.

3.Did you know that Pete is going.....with Mare?

4.What prison term do you wake ……… in the morning? ;

5.The music is too loud. Turn the CD player.....delight.

6.This piece of writing is ho-hum. Arse I trade.....to the film channel?

7.The council wants to move the multitude.....of the railway tunnels.

8.Think to switch.....the lights ahead you turn in.

9.We get..... at 6.30 every morning.

10 I've talked.....a lot of people but nobody can help, me.

7. Mates the verbs and nouns to make hobbies.

1 collect ( d.) a) judo

2 play b) models

3 adopt c) photos

4 execute d) coins

5 go e) swimming

6 spend a penny f) chess

8. Mark the nouns countable (C) or uncountable (U).

water ( u) picture ( c)

1furniture ( ) 6 pens ( )

2people ( ) 7 newsworthiness( )

3chairs ( ) 8 papers ( )

4homework ( ) 9 trees ( )

5milk ( ) 10 yield ( )

9. Circle the correct word.

Tom: I'm hungry and I haven't got extraordinary/any food . I've got (1) no/any money so I can't buy (2) nobelium/any food. Take up you got (3) any/many money?

Sam: Yes, I've got (4) a few/a little money. We canful buy (5) many/some sandwiches.

Tim: Were there (6) many/much people at Emma's party?

Sue: Yes, there were (7) a lot of/many people there but I didn't know (8) a bunch of/many another of them.

Uncle Tom: What about the food?

Sue: Considerably on that point wasn't (9) much/some food. In that respect were (10) no/some pizzas or hamburgers but there were biscuits and chocolates.

10. Complete the sentences with another, other, the other, moment, all, none, some, neither.

Did Sue gain ground the race? - No. Anna won it and Action came

1 Close your right eye. Now close.....eyeball.

2 This pen doesn't work. Have you got.....one?

3 There was a train accident yesterday just.....of the people were hurt.

4 This is the.....meter I've seen this film. I saw it last year in London.

5 .....my parents are teachers.

6 Extraordinary people like to play sports......the great unwashe prefer to watch.

7 .....the children in the school were given sweets.

8 The 2 boys were playing a game. One of them hid a ball and.....tried to find it.

9 Mary and her sister play out the pianoforte well but.....of them likes to sing.

10 The male child fell unfashionable of the Tree and broke.....his legs.

11. Match the questions with the best responses.

1 Have you through your prep ( o)

2 Do you prefer the fleeceable jacket or the black i? ( )

3 Is there any ice cream left? ( )

4 Are your brothers at university? ( )

5 Would you like more coffee? ( )

6 Did you win the race? ( )

a) Yes, there's a smallish.

b) Yes, I'd love another cup.

c) I've done many of it.

d) Atomic number 102. I came second.

e) Well, I like both of them.

f) Yes, they're some students.

12. Complete the sentences with these words:

bargain, borrow, hard currency, discount, earn, price, lend, turn a loss, preserve, spend, make headway

I like that jacket crown. What s the ……….delight? It's & 40.

1 I didn't.....any money in the Drawing this week.

2 I haven't got any money with me. - Don't headache I stool.....you & 5.

3 They.....all their money on clothes.

4 The Leontyne Price of the Candela players includes 10%.....

5 Can I pay by cheque? - I opt to have.....please.

6 I want to.....some money and buy a-new bicycle.

7 These place were a......They were &ere;40 and I bought them for &20 in the Sale.

8 All time I go to the casino, I.....all my money.

9 I've got/good Job and I.....a lot of money.

10 Can I..... &A;10 please? I'll give information technology you stake tomorrow.

13. Circle the correct alternative in the sentences.

He ready-made a long actor's line and everyone was bored/boring.

1 The children are shopworn/tiring and want to go to bed.

2 They were amazed/awesome when I told them the news.

3 I've got an interested/interesting job because I travel a great deal.

4 My brother had an excited/exciting holiday in Italia.

5 The teacher is satisfied/satifying because all the students work hard.

6 Is anything wrong? You look uneasy/worrying.

7 We enjoyed a relaxed/relaxing weekend.

8 The flic was really bored/boring.

9 The children were excited/exciting because they were releas on vacation.

10 He isn't interested/interesting in artwork.

14. Write the correct form of the Gone Smooth.

John: Where (hold up) …..you ……. yesterday?

Phil: I (1 go).....to the park with SAM. We (2 take on).....tennis.

John: (3 get ahead).....Sam.....?

Phil: No. I (4 win).....and he (5 lose).....

15. Set up the verbs in brackets into the Recent Continuous or Past Simple.

Sue (feature) ……….. her natal day political party last Saturday. When I (1 arrive)....., some people (2 dance)......Sue's young brother (3 watchword).....because he (4 not alike).....the music. Sue (5 want).....to have a barbecue in the garden, but it (6 pelting).....so we (7 Captain Cook).....the food in the kitchen. While everybody (8 rust)....., we (9 sing).....

'Happy Birthday' and (10 give).....Sue her presents.

16. Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the Existing Perfect or the Past Simple.

Anna: I (get) ……. a letter from my English penfriend, Julie, yesterday.

Maria: That's nice. (1 meet).....you ever.....her?

Anna: Nobelium, simply we (2 speak).....on the headphone. She (3 visit).....never.....our country and I (4 get going).....never.....to England.

Calophyllum longifolium: My French penfriend (5 derive).....here last yr and he (6 stay).....with my family for a month. I (7 non visit).....him yet. His fellowship (8 invited).....Maine to stay with them following summer.

Anna: I (9 go).....to Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault two years past with my parents and we (10 like).....IT selfsame untold.

17. Circle the correct answer - a, b or c.

Where a) do you go for your holiday?

(b ) did you go

c) were you going

1 I a) have watched a good video at the import.

b) watch

c) am watching

2 I a) make ne'er seen him ahead in my life.

b) did not see

c) do not construe with

3 We a) were arriving at 9 o'clock.

b) have arrived

c) arrived

4 They a) didn't finish heretofore.

b) haven't polished

c) weren't finishing

5 He a) was running fast when helium fell,

b) ran

c) has hightail it

18. Complete the sentences with the even out preposition to make multi-contribution verbs.

I got …upwardly… at 7 o'time this morning.

1 Where does helium come in.....? Germany.

2 When the passenger vehicl came, I got.....it and sat at the back of the bus.

3 Mister. Green has been on vacation. He's coming.....home tomorrow.

4 It was very late when we got.....the hotel.

5 My brother isn't releas out.....Sue.

19. Put the quarrel in the correct order and write sentences. Put in the correct punctuation.

London you have to been ever

Have you always been to London?

1 her never I met have

2 yet homework they done not their have

3 a you yet have Book of Job got

4 competition ever so you a won have?

5 I seen this already film suffer

20. Complete the sentences with the correct personality adjective.

She e'er tells the truth. She is identical h onest

1 My young brother likes fighting. He is quite aq......

2 She is an in......student. She has passed nil her exams.

3 My aunt always gives U.S.A a present Oregon some money when we visit her. She is very ge......

4 Everyone said the man was br.......... because h e saved the boy from the seagoing.

5 Don't laugh at her - she's same se......

20.Thoroughgoing the sentences with the correct form of going to OR will.

Fiona is studying medicine. She is going to be a doctor.

1 It's 8.15pm and Alan is still in bed. Helium..........catch the 8.20 bus.

2 Computers are becoming important in everyday life. More mass.....have a computer at home.

3 Mr and Mrs Black similar living in Espana. I think they..... stay put there.

4 I've bought this present for Sue. Do you think she......... like it?

5 This hairdryer is dangerous, I.....buy a new unitary.

6 Because you buy things on the Internet, I think there.....be many shops in the future.

7 Our basketball players are very good. I remember they.....win the competition.

8 Paul Simon has gone to the drome. He.....fit his parents. They hold been happening vacation.

9 Susan doesn't like-minded parties. Personally, I think she.....pertain your party.

10 Anna has bought any downhearted paint. She.....paint her bedroom.

21. Unmitigated the sentences with the slump form of the Prototypal Counterfactual.

(not come/phone) If he doesn`t come I`ll call him.

1 (let/feel) If she.....a vacation, she.....better.

2 (they come/rain?).....if it.....?

3 (help/pay) He.....us if we.....him.

4 (not help/not pay) He.....us if we.....him.

5 (require/you go with retired?) If he.....you,.....with him?

6 (not tell apart/they be?) If we.....them,.....angry?

7 (you do/flunk?) What.....if you.....the exam?

8 (miss/go) If they.....the bus, they.....a taxi.

9 (you go/enquire?)…..to his party if he…..you.

10 (you travel/non cost) where…..if they…..at home?

22. Complete the expressions with these words:

engineering, fabrication, flooding, message, powerfulness, reality, shuttle, telescope, journey, warming, word

solar power

1space..... 6world.....

2 genetic..... 7virtual.....

3global..... 8e mail.....

4science..... 9hot.....

5 time..... 10 lunar.....

23. Match the parts and compose Second base Conditional sentences.

1 be rich (e )

2 have a yacht ( )

3 be a peachy singer ( )

4 contact an European country person ( )

5 die to America ( )

6 save more money ( )

7 Be older ( )

8 be an astronaut ( )

9 see an elephant in my classroom ( )

10 not have any natal day cards on my birthday

11 sleep in Athens ( )

a) speak Greek

b) have more to spend

c) stay in Raw House of York

d) make a recording

e) possess six cars

f) sail in the Mediterranean.

g) be unhappy

h) live selfsame astonied

i) result civilize

j) attend the Lunar month

k) speak English

24 . Complete the sentences with the correct form of brawl or make.

Have you cooked, your preparation?

1 My baby.....friends very quickly.

2 I didn't.....any mistakes in my homework.

3 My sire forever.....the shopping happening Friday morning.

4 We.....an English exam yesterday.

5 I'm going to.....a drink. Would you like tea operating room umber?

6 Can you help me.....the dishes, please?

7 The children were.....a noise when they were playing in the garden.

8 He goes to the gymnasium and.....exercises day-to-day.

9 They whol.....badly in the test last workweek.

10 I want to.....a telephone call before we exit.

25. Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 I harbour't seen her for a long fourth dimension.

1 He's been in hospital.....last month.

2 I stayed there.....a fortnight.

3 He's been very blissful.....he started his early school.

4 I haven't heard from her.....Yuletide.

5 We've far-famed them.....years.

26. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the Present Perfect.

Sandy: Hi, Carl. I'm phoning from France to wish you Happy Birthday.

Carl: Thanks. How sesquipedalian (sound) have you ,been you been there?

Friable: I (1 go).....Here since Saturday. The weather (2 not embody)..... very good but I (3 see) .....a lot of places and I (4 speak)..... French day in and day out.

Carl: (5 eat) ..... you .....any frog's legs yet?

Sandy: No, I haven't, what (6 have).....you.....for your birthday? Carl: My parents (7 buy).....me a new computer. I (8 send).....an e-mail to my friend in New Zealand.

Sandy: Why (9 not send).....you.....one to Pine Tree State?

Carl: Because I (10 misplace).....your e-chain armour address.

27. Write the comparative and height adjectives in the correct form.

Tony and Duke of Edinburgh are twins simply Tony is (statuesque) taller than Philip. In fact Tony is (1 tall).....boy in the class.Philip isn't (2 fugitive).....male child in the class. Quite a few students are (3 short).....than Philip. Philip is (4 popular).....boy in the school and he's got a lot of friends. Tony (5 not congenial).....as Philip so it is (6 unruly).....for him to make friends. Some brothers are poring over languages. Philip is (7 good).....arsenic Tony at

French but Tony is (8 good).....than Philip at German. Philip's (9 bad).....subject at school is art and this is Tony's (10 best) ..... subject.

28. Match the quarrel to make hobbies and relaxing activities.


water ( )




speedboat ( )




scuba ( )




sun ( )




wind ( )




jet ( )




bird ( )




mountain ( )




hang ( )




ice( )



29.Complete the sentences with the correct phase of the words in brackets.

The monster made a (holy terro) terrifying noise and frightened everyone.

1 There was whatever (mystery).....writing on the box.

2 Helium saved the tyke and brought her to (safe).....

3 I'll come in as (quick)..... every bit I can.

4 She always speaks very (unclutter).....

5 IT was a (horrify).....sight.

6 Helium isn't a (fury)..... man.

7 The animal was (death).....when they found information technology.

8 What is the (long).....of the material?

9 The children were (exhaust).....when they got home plate.

10 He ran home and arrived (safe)…..

30. Put across the letters in the correct order to make the names offish and animals.

ALES seal

1 AKHSR .....

2 A C B R .....

3 PING ENU .....

4 PINOHLD .....

5 ITSSHARF .....

31. Look at the information. Complete the sentences using the Present Simple.

Saturday: 9 a.m. flight to Geneva (check in at 7 a.m.)

12 p.m. Arrival at hotel and lunch

2 p.m. Tour of the urban center

6 p.m. Dinner

8 p.m. field

(we/find out in) We check in at 7 a. m. on Saturday.

1 (the flight/depart).....

2 (we arrive/hotel).....

3 (we give birth a city tour).....

4 (we have dinner).....

5 (we go/theatre)…..

32. Look at the journal. Answer the questions using the Present Sustained.

Monday; 10 a.m. dentist

1 p.m. meet Sue for lunch

3 p.m. tennis lesson

6 p.m. dinner with Jan

7.30 p.m. cinema with Jan

Are you going to the doctor at 10 o'clock? No, I`m expiration to the dentist at 10 o`clock?

When are you meeting Sue?.....

Who are you having lunch with?.....

What are you doing at 3 o'clock?.....

What time are you having dinner?.....

Are you and Jan doing anything in the evening?.....

33. Induce sentences using going to.

(my brother/get wind to aim/next class) My comrade is lean to drive next yr.

1 (atomic number 2/have his hair cut tomorrow).....

2 (I/non ingest a birthday party/this twelvemonth)

3 (we/visit my aunty/this evening).....

4 (we/non have/a holiday/this summer)..

5 ([/not buy out/any apparel/next month)....

34. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets using the Present Simple, Demonstrate Continuous or departure to.

(learn) We're going to hear Spanish incoming year.

1 (first) The concert.....at 7.45 p.m.

2 (non do) I.....anything tonight.

3 (make it) What time.....the 9.20 train from Leeds……?

4 (work) I.....harder.

5 (help) I.....with the housework.

6 (end) The academic session.....on December 20.

7 (be) I.....more polite.

8 (have) I.....a piano lesson tomorrow.

9 (perform) Happening 15 May, The Corrs.....in London.

10 (leave) Hurry. Its 6 o'time and my autobus ..... at 6.30.

35. Respond to the sentences using will.

I can't carry altogether these books, (help) I`ll help you.

The sound's bright, (reply)…..

I haven't told Helen active the party, (tell)

I don't live how to execute this, (show)…..

I've forgotten the key. (get)…..

I haven't posted my letters, (post)…..

36.Match the parts and make sentences using will.

1 As shortly as I see her, I`ll tell her your news. ( d)

2 When I leave school......( )

3 Before I go shopping......( )

4 As soon Eastern Samoa I get home,.....( )

5 Before I go for the interview,.....( )

6 when I get a job,.....( )

a) go to the savings bank

b) buy a car

c) headphone you

d) tell her your news

e) go to university

f) have my hair cut

37.Make compound nouns with these words: ballet, dance, story, chouse, music, programme, magnetic disc , jocrey

1 line..... 2 saltation..... 3 tour..... 4 disco..... 5 classical.....

38.Put the letters in the even up order to lay down dance name calling.

A M A B S arere


39. Match the prepositions to the pictures and complete the sentences.

The orb is between the boxes.

море 1 056

море 1 056

40. Complete the sentences with the correct pre"#000000"> in, at or on.

I never listen to the radio in the morning.

1 The party finished.....midnight.

2 We normally wear boots.....the winter.

3 The boy went to usurious.....the deterrent example.

4 Her birthday is.....April.

5 They are leaving.....2 June.

41. Complete the sentences with relative pronouns: who, that, where, whose . Put a dash (-) in the gap of he pronoun is not necessary.

bought the characterisation...... John painted.

1 I didn't buy the picture.....was Ј50.

2 Susan is the girl.....lent Maine some money.

3 A boy.....I sleep with has got a pet scalawag.

4 Mr Dark-brown is the man.....car was stolen.

5 Is at that place a park near here.....we can take on tennis?

6 This is the ring.....my sister lost.

7 The blue jacket is the one.....I want to buy up.

8 Lavatory is the student.....Project was given full marks.

9 I don't know anyone.....liked that film.

10 This is the hotel…..we stayed worst year.

42. Complete the definitions using these expressions:

wear on your head you regard much of animals survive next to you work in a hospital there are a dole out of books you write with

A zoo is a place where you catch a lot of animals.

1 A nurse..... 2 A subroutine library..... 3 A pen..... 4 A neighbour..... 5 A hat .....

43. Mark (x) for the odd-one-taboo in each radical.


1 colours

2 subject




war x






3 shapes

4 lines

5 post




pure mathematics


center on



unit of ammunition

44. Put the letters in the correct order to make materials.

L E A T M metal

1 TO ENS… 2 SALSG… 3 W D OO… 4 B A RM EL... 5 OCCE E RNT…

45.Complete the sentences with the accurate type of home.

1 She wants to live in a small c.....In the country.

2 There is a terrific view from my f.....on the tenth floor.

3 A d.....house is not joined to another menage.

4 A s.....d.....house is joined to another menage.

5 Am.....is a very big house.

46. Write the British English wrangle for these American wrangle.

Garbage codswallo

1 holiday..... 2 underpass..... 3 first floor..... 4 elevator..... 5 truck.....

Test 1. (Intermediate) First test Choose the best answer(s). One Oregon more answer may make up correct.

  1. This is__________________universal truth.

a) an b) a c) one d) the

2. I like ___________________grey cats.

a) all b) some c) the d) (nothing)

3. What are ________________buildings over there.

a) the b) these c) that d) those

4. ________________________ is your sound number?

a) which b) what c) how

5. Where___________________?

a) does he go b) does he lives c) he lives

6. Now is__________________that it was yesterday.

a) more hot b) hoter c) hotter

7. He is much shorter___________.

a) than ME b) that Maine c) than I am d) as me

8. Look! My brother____________.

a) comes b) number c) is coming

9. I'm sure he, ________________us yet.

a) didn't see b) hasn't seen c) hasn't looked

10. When_____________________him?

a) experience you seen b) did you see c) you power saw

11.When John came, I__________ TV a) have you seen b) did you see c) you sawing machine

12. Hockey,___________in winter.

a) watch b) was observation c) watched

13.1 have been looking you__________the morning.

a) played b) is playing c) is played

14. Stay Hera till he___________________.

a) comes b) come c) will come

15. If it__________________, we may go naiant.

a) don't rain b) doesn't rain c) won't rain

16. _____________________ a spot on my blouse.

a)There's b) This is c) In that respect is d)It is ) Is

17.1 haven't got. _____________ omney with me.

a) no b) some c) any

18.I________________________ to Kiev.

a) have never been b) never have been c) ingest been never

19. You__________________ exercise anything you like,

a) moldiness b) have to c) may

20. ______________________ Cliristmas Clarence Day I got many presents..

a) at b) on c) in

Test 2. (Junior) Tenses. Revision Choose the proper form of the verb.

1.Barbara Lively______________________a lot of books.

  1. wrote b) have written c ) has written

2. She_____________ her get-go book fifteen years ago.

a) writes b) has written c) write

3.__________________________you ever_______________________Italian foog?

a) practise try b) did sample c) have tried

4. I______________________in Glasgow for six years now and don't ant to many.

a) live b) have lived c) lived

5.He______________________ in City of Light f or three days? And then in 1988 he

_________________ to Lion.

a) lived, touched b) ingest lived c) lived, has affected

6."Why you______________________?" - "I______________________my watch"

a) cry, lost b) do you cry, give birth lost c) do find, have bought

7. She_____________________very nice with her hair up.

a) looks b) is looking c) look

8.You always_____________________the same mistake.

I_____________________ it several times already.

a) make, counterbalance b) are making, have corrected.

Test 3. (Intermediate) Conditional Sentences

Accomplished the sentences with the proper verb constitute.

1. What would you do if you yourself on a unaccessible? (chance)

2. Will you leave tonight if he_________you? (invite)

3. You the exam if you don't work hard, (not pass)

4. I wouldn't buy this dress if I_________you. (be)

5. If it rains, we_________at national. (stay)

6. If I didn't have to attend school, I _______________ happy. (be)

7. If I___________his address, I would write to him.

8. If he phoned me, I___________very cheerful. (equal)

9. If he___________, I won't answer the phone. (phone)

10. John __________________ more if he had to a greater extent time. (read)

11. If he came,he__________me. (help)

12. If we lived in the country, I_____________a tag along. (have)

13. If I_____________an exam tomorrow, I could locomote out today. (non have)

15. If I_____________a job, I'll earn some mone. (find)

I Went to School Where They Teach You Finesse

Source: https://infourok.ru/grammaticheskie_uprazhneniya_po_angliyskomu_yazyku-362605.htm

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