Spanish 2 Read to Write New York

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Skills available for New York Spanish standards

IXL'southward Level 1 skills will exist aligned to the New York Learning Standards soon! Until then, you can view a complete list of Level 1 standards below.

Standards are in black and IXL Spanish skills are in dark green. Hold your mouse over the proper name of a skill to view a sample question. Click on the name of a skill to practice that skill.

1 Students will exist able to use a linguistic communication other than English for communication.

  • 1.ML Modern Languages

    • i.ML.1 Listening and Speaking are primary communicative goals in modern language learning. These skills are used for the purposes of socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of activeness.

      • 1.ML.ane.1 comprehend language consisting of uncomplicated vocabulary and structures in face-to-face chat with peers and familiar adults

        • Greeting people and saying cheerio ( South-1.M )
        • How are you lot doing? ( S-1.Due north )
        • Introductions ( S-1.O )
        • Listen and fill in a form with personal data: messages and numbers ( Southward-1.P )
        • Mind and cull the appropriate response to bones questions ( South-i.Q )
        • Listen to questions about student life and choose the appropriate response ( Due south-4.N )
        • Ask questions related to plans and preferences ( S-half dozen.U )
        • Question words: review ( S-7.I )
        • Respond to plans and invitations by giving reasons and excuses ( Southward-seven.U )
      • i.ML.ane.2 comprehend the principal idea of more extended conversations with some unfamiliar vocabulary and structures likewise equally cognates of English language words

        • Mind to people describe themselves and others ( Southward-2.P )
        • Mind to people talk nigh the school day ( S-3.R )
        • Mind to people talk about their school and everything in information technology ( South-4.O )
        • Listen to people talk about their families ( South-5.Southward )
        • Mind to people talk near their favorite foods and drinks ( S-vi.S )
        • Listen to people talk well-nigh sports, hobbies, and free time ( S-7.S )
      • 1.ML.ane.3 phone call upon repetition, rephrasing, and nonverbal cues to derive or convey pregnant from a linguistic communication other than English

      • one.ML.1.iv use appropriate strategies to initiate and engage in elementary conversations with more than fluent or native speakers of the same age group, familiar adults, and providers of common public services.

        • Greeting people and maxim goodbye ( S-1.M )
        • How are y'all doing? ( Due south-one.N )
        • Introductions ( S-1.O )
        • Listen and choose the appropriate response to basic questions ( S-1.Q )
        • Mind to questions about pupil life and choose the appropriate response ( Southward-iv.N )
        • Ask questions related to plans and preferences ( Southward-6.U )
        • Question words: review ( S-7.I )
        • Respond to plans and invitations by giving reasons and excuses ( S-7.U )
    • ane.ML.ii Reading and writing are used in languages other than English language for the purposes of socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of activeness.

      • 1.ML.two.1 sympathise the main thought and some details of simple informative materials written for native speakers

        • Read materials related to schoolhouse and pupil life ( S-3.S )
      • 1.ML.2.two compose short, informal notes and messages to exchange information with members of the target culture.

        • Write sentences nearly yourself, your family, or people you know ( S-five.V )
        • Write sentences that are true for y'all nigh sports, hobbies, and free time ( S-7.V )
  • 1.L Latin

    • one.L.1 Reading is the virtually of import skill that students acquire in learning Latin for it is the vehicle through which communication with the aboriginal world is possible, and it is likewise the tool, along with writing, through which students become more aware of their own and other languages.

      • 1.Fifty.i.1 read and understand simple connected materials written in Latin

      • i.50.1.2 write simple responses to oral, visual, or written stimuli

      • 1.50.ane.3 demonstrate an awareness of the vocabulary, grammer, derivation, and word structure of English.

    • 1.L.2 Listening and Speaking support the reading skills in Latin.

      • 1.L.2.1 recognize and comprehend simple spoken Latin statements and questions based on classroom situations

      • 1.L.2.ii articulate simple Latin phrases and convey meaning in controlled situations.

  • i.ASL American Sign language

    • 1.ASL.1 Visual-Gestural skills provide a means of communication with Deafened people in the context of the Deaf civilization.

      • 1.ASL.i.ane use receptive skills to comprehend uncomplicated statements and questions in standard dialect

      • 1.ASL.1.ii limited basic needs and compose statements, questions and curt messages to signers of the same historic period group and to familiar adults

      • ane.ASL.1.3 initiate and appoint in simple face-to-face conversations.

  • i.NAL Native American languages

    • one.NAL.1 Communication in Native languages takes place primarily to share expression of ideas, thoughts, and feelings to preserve Native cultural ideology.

      • 1.NAL.1.1 comprehend elementary statements and questions in the context of the classroom and the main ideas of more extended messages and conversations

      • i.NAL.ane.2 initiate and respond to simple face-to-face conversations.

    • i.NAL.2 Writing systems, and therefore reading, are recent introductions to Native languages and are used primarily to encourage functional communication in the listening and speaking skills.

      • comprehend the main ideas of materials containing simple structure and syntax

      • one.NAL.ii.two etch short letters on familiar topics or to express bones personal needs.

2 Students volition develop cross-cultural skills and understandings.

  • ii.ML Modernistic Languages

    • Effective communication involves meanings that go beyond words and crave an understanding of perceptions, gestures, folklore, and family unit and community dynamics. All of these elements can touch whether and how well a message is received.

      • 2.ML.1.ane use some key cultural traits of the societies in which the target linguistic communication is spoken.

        • Informal and formal language: tĂș and usted ( S-2.H )
        • Read about schools and education in the Spanish‑speaking world ( S-4.P )
        • Read about families from the Castilian‑speaking globe ( S-5.T )
        • Read about typical meals and foods from the Spanish‑speaking world ( S-half-dozen.T )
  • 2.L Latin

    • 2.L.1 Latin aquisition provides the cultural context for learning about the ancient world and its people. From this footing students can compare and contrast artifact and the present and thoughtfully contemplate the time to come.

      • 2.L.1.1 demonstrate noesis of some aspects of Greco-Roman culture and selected facts of daily life, myths, history, and architecture

      • 2.L.1.2 recognize manifestations of antiquity in the mod world.

  • ii.ASL American Sign Linguistic communication

    • 2.ASL.ane Cardinal cultural traits exist inside the deaf culture, and cultural patterns are learned through the use of American Sign Language.

      • 2.ASL.1.ane use key cultural traits that be in settings where American Sign Language is used

      • become aware of cultural patterns, learned through the use of American Sign Language, that characterize the Deaf culture.

  • two.NAL Native American Languages

    • Culture is transmitted and preserved through knowledge about the lives of Native American People and the sharing of their cultural credo.

      • 2.NAL.ane.i demonstrate an sensation of Native civilisation

      • recognize the names of cultural items and their uses

      • two.NAL.i.3 empathise the history and cultural symbols of the people

      • two.NAL.1.4 demonstrate cognition about the clan system.


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