My Best Friend Forgot My Birthday Again

We accept been best friends since we can remember. Grown upwards together,right upward until we went to Uni. I went down due south she went far up northward. She'southward met this guy and is absolutely besotted by him, now has tunnel vision because of him and is forgetting everyone around her. Every yr we always do something or become each other something for our birthdays, from weekend trips to London, or meals out, we always made each others birthdays good. But yesterday, I didn't get fifty-fifty a call maxim happy birthday, or a text, facebook bulletin, carte, anything, and it actually hurts because I dunno, I simply find it hard to believe shes forgotten information technology, I think she'due south just avoiding me and just likewise decorated with her boyfriend. I've had a boyfriend for over iii years, nevertheless always made time for her and other friends.

I don't know whether to ring her, but what would I say?

Edit: We are second years, and so information technology's not the whole moving away from Uni thing considering terminal yr she sent me a nowadays.

Some friends come up and get like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason.

Both my best friends forgot my altogether last twelvemonth
One phoned me up request if she could crash at my identify, whilst I was at my birthday party
The other one started speaking to me on msn, moaning and groaning about her life.
Neither of them asked how I was let lone wish me a happy bday.

I didn't even bother telling either of them - I was pretty mad, and so but let them effigy information technology out on their own.

So I mean, I wouldn't telephone her. Happy Altogether for yesterday though!

Christ, people have their own lives you know. And yet y'all expect everyone to drib everything their doing just to admit it's the ceremony of your birth?? How egoistical can you get. Nobody gives a flying ***** that it'southward your birthday.


I forget my ain birthday...:yep: I find such days overrated.

(Original postal service by insignificant)
Nosotros have been best friends since we can recollect. Grown upwards together,correct upward until we went to Uni. I went downward south she went far up n. She'southward met this guy and is absolutely besotted by him, at present has tunnel vision because of him and is forgetting everyone around her. Every year we always practise something or become each other something for our birthdays, from weekend trips to London, or meals out, we always made each others birthdays good. Only yesterday, I didn't get fifty-fifty a phone call saying happy altogether, or a text, facebook message, card, anything, and it really hurts because I dunno, I just find it hard to believe shes forgotten information technology, I think she's just avoiding me and just likewise busy with her boyfriend. I've had a boyfriend for over three years, yet always made time for her and other friends.

I don't know whether to band her, but what would I say?

Edit: We are second years, then it's not the whole moving away from Uni matter because final year she sent me a present.

I exercise sympathise, as I know from experience that it'southward overnice to have at least one person with whom yous always remember each other'southward birthdays. Birthdays are pretty petty things for the near part, but it'south still nice to take these niggling things.

Yet, yous should not exist and then upset that your friend forgot. People tin can have a lot going on in their life; and as long as they remain your good, upstanding friend , I wouldn't worry about these piffling things.

The exclamation mark made the thread title wait really happy.

Has she washed other things that would point shes ignoring you? And has she e'er had a boyfriend earlier? If she has did she behave like this? If this is her showtime boyfriend and shes doing other things to avoid y'all I would cutting off all contact. Shes not a true friend if she dumps people for a boy. My best friend of 6 years did the aforementioned affair when she got with her first beau and at first I was a piddling puppy canis familiaris doing annihilation to try and get back in her life and jumped at the chances when she really wanted to do something with me. But and then I finally got fed up and cut her off and now shes slowly trying to become back in my life so I have a feeling things arent besides well with her boy and I tin but run across her trying to exist best friends once more if it ends.

(Original post by Arnotts)
Has she done other things that would indicate shes ignoring you? And has she ever had a beau earlier? If she has did she carry like this? If this is her beginning boyfriend and shes doing other things to avoid you I would cut off all contact. Shes not a true friend if she dumps people for a boy. My best friend of six years did the aforementioned thing when she got with her first boyfriend and at first I was a little puppy dog doing anything to try and become back in her life and jumped at the chances when she actually wanted to do something with me. But then I finally got fed up and cutting her off and at present shes slowly trying to get back in my life so I take a feeling things arent too well with her male child and I can merely see her trying to exist best friends again if information technology ends.

Its her first proper boyfriend. They didn't go together under skilful circumstances,he cheated on his girlfriend from back domicile with her,and then they got together. I was there for her all through the whole thing,how she feels bad but tin can't help it, blah blah. Now they live together, the whole thing. She'due south done little things to shove me to one side. For example,she went abroad to larn a language, she said I should come over, but I can't stay in her identify because it's not immune. I couldn't afford to go in the terminate because the hotel would toll besides much. However she then invited her boyfriend over, and of course, he was immune to stay in her place...


She has her ain life, let her live information technology herself.

If she realises and says sorry, so fine, back to normal, if she realises and does nix or doesn't realise, then people alter and I'm sure you lot've got other friends.

But for god's sake, don't read it as a personal insult when you accept admittedly no show to think otherwise, because then it will exist your error a friendship gets knackered.

(Original post by Stefan1991)
Christ, people accept their own lives you know. And notwithstanding you expect everyone to drop everything their doing only to acknowledge information technology'due south the anniversary of your birth?? How egoistical tin can you go. Nobody gives a flight ***** that it's your birthday.

Y'all get out of your manner to exist 'controversial'. :rolleyes:

(Original post past Dumb Economist)

I forget my ain altogether...:yep: I observe such days overrated.

When you were kid birtdays were ok, but as you get older it becomes childish:sigh: i agree its overrated. I Wouldn't mind a 'happy altogether'

i just keep and on most my birthday and then no one can forget

Happy Birthday for yesterday OP :yep:

And I'd ignore her and let her figure it out for herself, and encounter who's more important.

I don't fifty-fifty carp with birthday myself, remember they are overrated and don't even tell anyone.

Jesus H. Christ, get over it.

(Original post by CityOfMyHeart)
Yous go out of your way to exist 'controversial'. :rolleyes:

How exactly is what I'm maxim controversial in your opinion? I was but pointing out how insecure and self-centred the OP is. Anyone with one-half a encephalon can work that 1 out.

Se might have a adept reason for not contacting yous. Like shes been abducted by mongolian gangsters or something. Text her, "hey, thank you for the birthday wishes" and see what response yous become. Guess information technology from there.

I'chiliad sure she is sat there thinking, ''I'm certain today is something? Tin't quite put my mind to it though?''
O well, ask her almost it? Mayhap she has very important things on her mind. I didn't read the whole post btw, just got the jist of it.

(Original post by Stefan1991)
How exactly is what I'm saying controversial in your opinion? I was merely pointing out how insecure and self-centred the OP is. Anyone with half a brain can work that i out.


Information technology'southward the style yous use terms to describe things/people. You lot might retrieve the OP is making a fuss out of aught (which is your stance, so fair plenty), just to call her egotistical and self centred.. Scrap far me thinks :curious:

My mum'southward best friend of 40+ years simply forgot her birthday. It happens.


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